Scan to BIM - best practices

Best Practices for effective Scan to BIM process

We all know that the Scan to BIM process can provide a good starting point for the next stages. When done right, the design team can use Scan to BIM models to process their design; building owners might utilize them to effectively manage future changes or renovations. It might be said that they are beneficial to all stakeholders throughout the lifecycle of a project. So this post will walk you through a number of best practices we’ve learned to make efficient Scan to BIM.

1. Identify the purpose of the Scan to BIM model

It’s necessary to identify what the intention of making a Scan to BIM model is. Reflect existing structures of a building? Provide the model for the design process? Or coordinate the MEP trades? What stage of the project the model will be used.

  • For the design process: Quite a few design teams are using Scan to BIM model to kick off and manage the process early. So if you want to assist the design stage, later sufficient information and functional 3D BIM models should be created;
  • For the construction stage: If this is the case, ask whether you need to create a 3D model for trade coordination. The model can be shared between stakeholders to know the exact intricate they can encounter;
  • For retrofit projects: Create an as-built model that reflects the exact existing conditions of a building with a very high level of detail.

Knowing the exact who the end-user of the Scan to BIM is will help optimize the model for usability.

2. Define the project scope

It’s extremely vital to be aware of the project’s scope before getting started implementing the project. You can create a checklist to help the client easily identify the scope of work. In this way, they will appreciate your consultancy and give you a chance to show your expertise. Also, the following questions help you dig deeper into their project:

  • What exactly is to be modeled?
  • What’s the Level of Detail (LOD) and Level of Information (LOI) required for the model?
  • How will the model be used for the project?
  • What’s the project schedule?

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Identifying the exact project scope will help to create an accurate 3D model that meets your client’s specifications. Besides, providing a clear definition of the scope can bring opportunities and value at all stages of the project.

3. Determine the required deliverables

As mentioned above, the result of the Scan to BIM process can be used for various different purposes. So you have to identify the deliverables you want to meet your customer’s expectations. It might be the Architectural, Structural, and MEP Revit file of a specific Level of Detail (LOD) and Level of Information (LOI). In some cases, the client may require some of the different formats of the file. The deliverable can even provide added value to the end-user.

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4. Collect more data than you need

Once you understand the project scope, the deliverables required; it’s important to collect all the needed information. It’s much easier to collect that additional information while you’re there the first time. You can delete data if it’s redundant than go back to collect the missing information. Remember the motto “more is more”.

Scan to BIM - point cloud

5. Find an experienced Scan to BIM team

Partner with a team that understands BIM technology, the industry standards, and methods of the construction process can assure successful results. They should be able to give you a suitable solution for your goals. The team should have extensive knowledge and experience in executing the Scan to BIM projects for various countries such as the US, UK. This enables you to maximize value and minimize costs.

In conclusion

Scan to BIM is a key component of the BIM process so it’s essential to create high-quality BIM models that are of value to the next project stages. Stakeholders of a project – surveyors, project managers, building teams, engineers, and designers, and architects – can confidently collaborate and benefit from Scan to BIM.

If you’re interested in this topic and want to discover more, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are ready to help you bring more value to your Scan to BIM projects.